Monday, August 16, 2010

Oracle and Solaris

The following announcement has been released/staged/leaked to the OpenSolaris community :

The article talks a lot about Solaris 11 and the future, or lack there of, OpenSolaris. Without getting too deep into the issue, as that's not really the direction I wish to take, I'm wondering what Solaris 11 will bring and whether there'll be a mass exudes of open-source development from the community.

OpenSolaris has been vastly different from Solaris in many ways. Of course there's the obvious accelerated development of ZFS, ABE and Zones; but there's also been many changes to the userland environment. Will these be carried over to Solaris 11? The next few months will be very interesting, I think.

Since the acquisition of Sun, there has been a lot of uneasiness surrounding Oracle and the direction they are taking with Sun's products. It's made both System Administrators and developers a little uneasy about their future with Solaris. This latest announcement shows Solaris will definitely be taking a new direction and it's obvious Oracle are not embracing open source the way Sun did. I wonder if this means avid OpenSolaris developers will shift focus to FreeBSD, or even Linux?

If you're interested in the topic, read the article and make some comments. I'm curious to read what everyone else is thinking.

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