Role Based Access Control ( RBAC ) on Solaris aims at deprecating the 'sudo' command with a native framework. RBAC isn't very user intuitive and isn't really an elegant approach to access control, but it does work quite well and once you've mastered the basics it'll all start making a bit more sense.Firstly, some definitions:
Profile - A profile is a set of properties which reference one or many authorizations
Authorization - "An authorization is a discrete right that can be granted to a role or user. Authorizations are checked by RBAC-compliant applications before a user gets access to the application or specific operations within it. This check replaces the tests in conventional UNIX applications for UID=0 " (
Roles - Similar to a 'user', a role is created for a user to escalate to in order to perform a specific operation
There's an array of default profiles and authorizations in Solaris, they are definitely worth researching and understanding. The relvant files/directories are:
- /etc/security/prof_attr.d/
- /etc/security/exec_attr.d/
- /etc/security/auth_attr.d/
Every user created on the system, by default, will be assigned the profiles "All" ( to run all commands ) and "Basic Solaris User" (allows escalated access for cd-related commands in order to interact with the cd drive)
You can change these default profiles by changing the relevant variables in /etc/security/policy.conf :
# egrep "AUTH|PROF" /etc/security/policy.conf
PROFS_GRANTED=Basic Solaris User
Using RBAC
As a very basic example of RBAC, say you have a user 'williama' who is a new administrator. You want to grant this administrator access to the user maintenance commands - useradd, usermod, groupadd etc. Here's how you'd go about it:Check the user doesn't already have the access:
# profiles -l williamaAs this is a system command, it most likely already has a profile and authorization somewhere:
Basic Solaris User
/usr/bin/cdrecord.bin privs=file_dac_read,sys_devices,proc_lock_memory,proc_priocntl,net_privaddr
/usr/bin/readcd.bin privs=file_dac_read,sys_devices,net_privaddr
/usr/bin/cdda2wav.bin privs=file_dac_read,sys_devices,proc_priocntl,net_privaddr
# cd /etc/security
# egrep "useradd|usermod|groupmod" exec_attr.d/*
exec_attr.d/core-os:User Management:solaris:cmd:RO::/usr/sbin/useradd:euid=0
exec_attr.d/core-os:User Management:solaris:cmd:RO::/usr/sbin/usermod:euid=0
exec_attr.d/core-os:User Management:solaris:cmd:RO::/usr/sbin/groupmod:euid=0
exec_attr.d/core-os:User Security:solaris:cmd:RO::/usr/sbin/usermod:euid=0
exec_attr.d/core-os:User Security:solaris:cmd:RO::/usr/sbin/groupmod:euid=0
There we go, it's called "User Management". Now just modify the user's account to include this profile.
# usermod -P "User Management" williamaCheck that it all worked.
Found user in files repository.
# profiles williamaUser Management
Basic Solaris User
# profiles -l williama
User Management
/usr/sbin/grpck euid=0
/usr/sbin/pwck euid=0
/usr/sbin/useradd euid=0
/usr/sbin/userdel euid=0
/usr/sbin/usermod euid=0
/usr/sbin/roleadd euid=0
/usr/sbin/roledel euid=0
/usr/sbin/rolemod euid=0
/usr/sbin/groupadd euid=0
/usr/sbin/groupdel euid=0
/usr/sbin/groupmod euid=0
/usr/bin/passwd euid=0
Basic Solaris User
/usr/bin/cdrecord.bin privs=file_dac_read,sys_devices,proc_lock_memory,proc_priocntl,net_privaddr
/usr/bin/readcd.bin privs=file_dac_read,sys_devices,net_privaddr
/usr/bin/cdda2wav.bin privs=file_dac_read,sys_devices,proc_priocntl,net_privaddr
# su - williama
$ pfexec /usr/sbin/useradd -md /export/home/test test
$ id -a test
uid=60009(test) gid=10(staff) groups=10(staff)
Now that this administrator can add/remove users, you also want them to be able to reboot the machine.
As above, there is a pre-defined profile for this, but let's not use that for now...
Firstly, create a profile, giving it a name and short description:
# echo "REBOOT:::profile for rebooting:" >> /etc/security/prof_attr
Create the exec attribute
# echo "REBOOT:solaris:cmd:::/usr/sbin/reboot:euid=0" >> /etc/security/exec_attr
Assign the profile to the user ( use the + here, so all the previous profiles don't get overwritten )
# usermod -P +REBOOT williama
Check that it all works
# profiles -l williama
User Management
/usr/sbin/grpck euid=0
/usr/sbin/pwck euid=0
/usr/sbin/useradd euid=0
/usr/sbin/userdel euid=0
/usr/sbin/usermod euid=0
/usr/sbin/roleadd euid=0
/usr/sbin/roledel euid=0
/usr/sbin/rolemod euid=0
/usr/sbin/groupadd euid=0
/usr/sbin/groupdel euid=0
/usr/sbin/groupmod euid=0
/usr/bin/passwd euid=0
/usr/sbin/reboot euid=0
Basic Solaris User
/usr/bin/cdrecord.bin privs=file_dac_read,sys_devices,proc_lock_memory,proc_priocntl,net_privaddr
/usr/bin/readcd.bin privs=file_dac_read,sys_devices,net_privaddr
/usr/bin/cdda2wav.bin privs=file_dac_read,sys_devices,proc_priocntl,net_privaddr
Using Roles
There is another way to achieve the above and that is through the use of 'roles'. That is, you create a role, allow the user to 'su' to this role, then execute the relevant commands.To start off, the user has no roles.
# roles williama
No roles
Create the 'reboot' role and assign it a password
# roleadd -m -d /export/home/reboot reboot
# passwd reboot
Assign the REBOOT profile ( created above ) to the role
# rolemod -P REBOOT reboot
Assign the user the 'reboot' role
# usermod -R reboot williama
# roles williama
Now, test.
$ su reboot
$ reboot
1 comment:
I like your blog. I am trying to introduce RBAC into my work environment to replace sudo, but my colleague here doesn't like it and won't let me use it. If you ask me he's a bit behind the times. I think your blog might change his mind.
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